Together with its developer Vertexmacht, we're proud to announce the upcoming Update 1.1 for the #Arma3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany. Scheduled for release in December 2019, this update will add lots of free content, such as new armored vehicles, weapons and attachments, and factions. The most notable highlights include the new T-55 series, Danish APCs, and the Polish Army faction.
To learn more about this update, be sure to read the latest OPREP devblog post:…ation-update-11
Buy Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany:
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Global Mobilization is released as Arma 3 Creator DLC, which means it's made by a third-party developer (Vertexmacht) and published by Bohemia Interactive. In case you'd like to know more about our Creator DLC initiative, be sure to take a look at our answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions:
About Arma 3
Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Authentic, diverse, open – Arma 3 sends you to war.
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Trailer Credits
Footage, editing, and music by Vertexmacht.